Mahmoud Semhan

Mechanical Engineer | Automation | HVAC

7 Years of experience In sales and HVAC

I am not only an Engineer, i am also a salesman. Presenting these two attributes to a customer results in great customer satisfaction, as they feel that the seller can understand their technical suggestions.


I can speak and write 4 different languages without an issue.

  • Arabic

  • Danish

  • English

  • German

Mechanical Engineering degree

Finished my degree in 2021 at Aarhus University, Denmark

My niche is HVAC and Automation

I have experience in industrial extractions, HVAC for buildings and offices as well as clean room. With this in-depth knowledge i am well prepared for any task within HVAC. Applying my knowledge with software enhances my quality of work tremendously.

Software, automation and datalogging
  • Solidworks

  • Revit

  • Python

  • Matlab

  • Labview

  • Excel

  • PLC

Professional HVAC Engineer with over 7 years of experience in sales, HVAC, and industrial filtration. Possessing in-depth technical understanding to advise on AHUs and equipment based on customers' needs and use. Having successfully quoted many cases, and some valued over hundreds of thousands of euros.

Rules and norms
  • ATEX

  • DIN/ISO and also VDE for Germany

  • Machinery Directive

  • Industrial extraction laws


Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can email or contact me on LinkedIn. I appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.