Improve effeciency and save energy costs.
Energy savings: The airflow of the air handling units should always adjust according to the actual consumption in real time. This can be achieved with proper implementaiton of communication between sensors, transmitters, PLC and frequency converters. Furthermore the pressure setpoint of the transmitters can be set slightly lower, to that of planned, to save even more energy. This would however require mainteneance to be made earlier than planned. Although, it is also important to consider that mainteneance intervals happen less frequently in general, when using a automated system.
Datalogging and analysis: Various sensors can be installed to measure and communicate the standing and performance of the system. It can give you information on:
Mainteneance intervals. Which may be used to adjust prices on spare parts.
System effeciency. Can the pressure be adjusted even more?
More knowledge on how certain material gets filtrated. With this information you may run the system on a higher load than anticipated, which would lead to a boost in sales.
Efficiency and prolonged lifetime: When the system is regulated according to the consumption, it increases the lifetime of filters and motors. Also it goes without saying, that a system running on lower energy costs without loss of performance, is an effecient system.
Automation, the key to every successful HVAC Project.
The importance of a well automated system cannot be understated. Not only is it vital for customer satfisfaction, but also there are alot of information to be gathered from various sensors, controllers and units, which can be used to analyze and optimize business strategies. Here are some of the most important factors to consider about automation:
Quality of life and customer satisfaction: Having a non-automated system would require the customer to perform several actions to start, adjust or even turn off the system. Having everything automated makes it simpler and more effecient, which is a massive quality of life.
Servicing remotely: Depending on the software, it is possible in cases to entirely help customers remotely. This is a huge advantage compared to that of having to send a technician on-site and inspect.
Safety: It is with ease to implement various conditions, to which the system must shut down, to ensure the safety of the users. There are conditions which must force a HVAC-System to shut down. In Denmark and Germany there are various laws that implicates this.